Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What other choice do we have?

Today's world is a weird one, with so much strife going one, corruption, scandals, wars, genocides, hunger, poverty, etc. there is so much wrong that is out of our control. Yet, we decide to hear about these things and do nothing about them.

Most people today get their information online through a website article, or through an ad on social media. Yet we truly underestimate, how much of our information is getting leaked, but do we care?

Realistically, most people don't share super private information over text through Facebook, unless they're inn their 50s+. As for me? I'd rather speak face to face with those I have to tell something personal too so THEY don't go out and say it using screenshots or whatever.

I'm not too concerned with the level of information of mine that's getting leaked unless it's credit cards, social security numbers, driver's license, etc., but those things are super valuable, and quite difficult to replace. I don't think people knowing my address is too big of an issue until people start showing up at my door.

I think we as a society are too caught up in what we DON'T want people to know rather than what we WANT them to know. We're so afraid of what can harm us, where we should be celebrating what can help us, and not live in fear or concern of what we think the internet is doing to try to attack us.

I understand that it can be a little weird when you get ads about what you've been thinking about, but is it really that bad, I mean, if you need it you can go get it quickly. I think we need to take a step back and determine what really makes us upset, and what society SAYS we need to be upset about.

Besides, what else are we going to use for worldwide news? Its not like there's another internet...

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