Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Alternative Media

What is Alternative Media?

"Alternative media are forms of media that differ from the current established mainstream, whether it be by content, format, or distribution. Alternative media can be print, digital, audio, video, and so on. In today’s society, anyone can have a platform from the comfort of their own homes, a luxury that was not available before the internet and modern technology.”

Alternative media is generally blogs that aren't like the ones I write. Alternative media online are normally very opinionated and lean towards one side of the other depending on political parties.

Some may be very neutral in what they write about, but most are not so neutral. I stumbled upon a couple that are different in their own rights in terms of where they stand.

One was a strong anti-war blog and the other a libertarian site.

I found both of these to be quite interesting you often don't hear much based on these view points which is part of the intrigue about alternative media. We often hear the main points of contention from big sources like FOX or CNN, but these other sites give us some insight into other viewpoints which should help better our understanding of the world and our issues.

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