Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Rise of the Planet of the Social Medias

In 2007, Mark Zuckerberg changed the landscape of the internet forever with the introduction of Facebook to the public.

In 2019, we have Facebook, but we also have Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and so and so forth. so what created the boom of the social medias, and why are there so many today?

Before Facebook, there weren't really social media sites, and if there were they were quite closed off and exclusive to friends. An example of this would be MySpace in the early 2000s before Facebook arrived. MySpace was a social media platform, used to connect with friends, but you had to know your friend's username to connect with them.

Then, Facebook came along and made it so that you could search up any name and get back thousands of results, ultimately changing the landscape of social media to actually be social. Today, Instagram and Twitter largely overwhelm the social media platform, and its how I have met several hundreds of my classmates at High Point University.

This illustrates perfectly the Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations and Ideas to a tee. you have the Pioneers, like MySpace, the Early Adapters, like Facebook, and then the Late Adapters, like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, before the Laggers of Reddit and Tumblr.

Myspace was only launched in 2003. Friendster gave inspiration to the founders of Myspace, and the social network was officially sent live on the web in January of 2004. After its first month online, over one million people had already signed up. By November of 2004, that number grew to 5 million. By 2006, Myspace was being visited more times than Google and Yahoo Mail, becoming the most visited site in the United States. In June of 2006, it was reported that Myspace was responsible for nearly 80 percent of all traffic related to social networking sites.

So maybe instead of Facebook, let's credit the real pioneer of the social media era, MySpace

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