Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gen Z and our desire to tell more that we let on

Youth culture today is quite different and more stranger than what has been seen in previous years with the addition of technology and social media.

I've heard multiple people say that "youth culture is more about telling people you've had fun or are having fun rather than actually having fun."

This is certainly the case in my opinion. I've seen many friends put videos or pictures online talking about what an amazing time they had an event, but when speaking to them they talk about what a boring/not fun experience they had. 

Additionally, we are more concerned about what others perceive us to be rather than actually, what we are. 

This fact doesn't go without a price however. Oxford did a study which stated, 

The inability to tear away from our phones has crippled our ability to make real world connections and live life to the fullest, and live in the moment.

I think that we should try to implement some system of limit on screen time for children and teens so that we can create real relationships and connections that last for lifetimes

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