Monday, September 30, 2019

Does the Internet do more good or bad?

Over the past 19 years, the internet has grown into a monster that can never be taken down. The internet is useful for a plethora of things but it can also be detrimental in some cases.

The internet can be used to communicate with the rest of the world and see different cultures or connect with a friend from middle school.

The internet however comes with downsides as in recent history the internet has turned into places that are used for harm.

Recent studies show that cyber bullying has risen exponentially in recent years and is only getting worse.

With sites like Instagram and Twitter cyber buying has become more widespread and harder to prevent.

It's upsetting to see that the internet is a place where people have to hide from others instead of branching out to meet people around the world.

If cyber bullying would cease then the internet would be safer and more enjoyable as a whole.

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